Promoting your business is easy, targeted and scalable, with JCARDS and
If you do not have a business or marketplace yet, read more on how you can create one (link to How To Create A Marketplace).
Promoting with JCARDS NETWORK is like you having thousands of sales
people talking about your business in their own market. These sales people is the network. What should we do?
Show others what is your business or product. Register your marketplace. Just key-in your marketplace name and URL.
Offer networkers a reward to show your marketplace, or when they bring a potential customer, or when a sales is closed. Enter your offer in the Marketplace Settings.
Everyday, count your sales and top-up the reward points.
The above are the basic promotion. Once you joined our network of
Distributors, we shall introduce you more fast and simple marketing tools
and techniques through our in-house newsletters.